Full Grain Ahead
Ultner Brot has history. Since our great-grandmother opened the Ultner Brot bakery in 1919, we have been cultivating our own natural sourdough. Almost all of our products are still handmade. Because we believe that everything good should stay that way.
I am Hannes Schwienbacher. Together with 40 dedicated employees, i work every day to preserve traditions and produce bread and baked goods of the highest quality. To achieve this, we use only the finest organic ingredients—always full grain ahead.
From the Mountains into the Bread
The Ulten Valley is a pristine landscape, covered in dense forests and nestled between mountains, lakes, and healing springs. Scattered throughout are small, tradition-rich villages, shaped by centuries-old farmhouses with typical shingle roofs.
Right in the heart of this magnificent landscape is where we live and work. The fresh mountain air, the finest rock crystal salt, and pure spring water from the mountains make our organic bread and baked goods truly unique.